Materials Will Be With You,
The Way To Make A Better Future.


Name Quantity Purchase Date Usage
Sublimation purifier equipment 1 Set 2021 Material refining
Luminescence Spectrometer 1 Set 2018 Measuring Photo-luminescence
UV-Vis Spectro Photometer 1 Set 2018 Measuring UV-Vis Absorption
HPLC 3 Set 2019/2023 Qualitative Analysis
Capillary electrophoresis 1 Set 2020 Compound Analysis
Automatic polarization system 1 Set 2018 Metal/non-metal detection
Reactor 20L 4 Set 2018 Chemical reaction / synthesis
Reactor 50L 1 Set 2022 Chemical reaction / synthesis
Automatic Potentiometric Titrator 1 1 Set 2020 Quantitative Analysis
Rotary Evaporator 20L 2 2 Set 2020 Material enrichment
Rotary Evaporator 5L 4 Set 2019 Material enrichment